climate change Nasa sun collapsed into a black hole sun collapse Appearing as purple and less often white glowing ribbons during the August 2022 geomagnetic storm these auroras were observed even in southern Pennsylvania. Scientists don’t know the exact nature of this optical phenomenon. But it’s usually seen during solar storms. Researchers are confident that STEVE  isn’t just about the glowing show in  the sky. It could be accompanied  by the mega-storm that will cause  climate change major disruptions to electronic and  aviation equipment, communications,  power grid disruptions and issues with satellites. 

It could even reach the depths of the ocean,  destroying under water online communications  cables. This would lead to a worldwide Internet apocalypse that would last several  climate change months or more. According to some estimates, the damage could well amount to billions or even trillions of sun collapsed into a black hole dollars. If solar winds of this power  hit our planet in 2012, some countries probably  wouldn’t have fully recovered up to this date. Still,

the absence of lights, computers and televisions seems like a trifle compared to a majority of other possible effects,  like droughts, floods, earthquakes,  and tsunamis. These sun collapsed into a black holenatural disasters are often  attributed to solar storms. climate change Observations show the maximum frequency of earthquakes is observed in  periods of high and fluctuating solar activity. It could have been one of the reasons for a magnitude 9.1 earthquake that happened  in 2004.

It also caused a huge tsunami in  Indonesia. India, Thailand, Bangladesh,  the Maldive Islands, Sri Lanka and Somalia also  suffered from this natural disaster. Over 283,000  climate change people perished. Another 14,000 people are  missing and more than a million are homeless. To mitigate the disastrous  consequences of solar storms,  scientists need to have a warning system.  Several spacecraft, including the Solar and  Heliospheric Observatory and the Solar Dynamics Observatory, are studying the  Sun.

Their data will help alert us about extreme events on the star in time. Now,  as the Sun nears its 11-year peak of activity, this is especially important. And only once the stormy activity of the Sun goes down  in 2024, we can breathe a sigh of relief. Or can we? Recently scientists climate change found out that a powerful  geomagnetic storm is able to ignore the 11- year  solar activity cycle, and suddenly strike the  Earth during the Sun’s calm period.

Scientists  have again found a similar example in our past. A new study of ancient ice samples  under Greenland and Antarctica has shown that  9,200 years ago, a solar storm of sun collapse gravity unprecedented  strength hit our planet. So destructive solar storms climate change can happen when we least expect them. To avoid being caught off guard, many  governments have declared space weather  fore casts to be a priority in the development  of science.

It is now traveling in an elliptical orbit,  with a closest point at 42 million sun collapsed into a black hole kilometers  [26 million miles] from the Sun’s surface. The  probe climate change has already sent incredible images of the  star back to Earth. Some of them show many small  bright spots and strange dark objects, which are  sun collapse gravity moving and vibrating. These are miniature plasma  eruptions that scientists called “campfires”.  Such phenomena probably raise the temperature  of the star’s corona and cause solar winds.

sun collapsed into a black hole depth information

Mean while, other researchers are looking for  ways to protect Earth from space. Recently,  Japanese inventors from the National Institute for  Fusion Science developed an artificial sun collapsed into a black hole geomagnetic  field project. According to geophysicists,  the planet’s climate change own field has become about 10%  thinner over the past 150 years. One day it  may not be able to withstand the outbursts  of highly accelerated charged solar particles. 

Scientists suggest launching 12 super conducting  rings around the Earth to protect it. Such  a structure is thought to be able to enhance the geomagnetic field of the planet, but it can only compensate for the 10% that it has lost. But maybe we won’t need to build any  protective structures around the Earth as they are already there.

According  to NASA scientists, these signals formed what looks like a sun collapse gravity huge bubble of energy enveloping the  Earth. Its outer layer extends climate change sun collapsed into a black hole almost exactly to the inner edge of the Van Allen radiation belts. These belts collect charged solar wind particles  sun collapse gravity that later attack the planet’s magnetosphere. 

In the 1960s, when low-frequency communications  were less common, sun collapse gravity the inner boundary of  the Van Allen radiation belt was at a much  smaller distance from the planet’s surface. Do you think this type of “shield” can  protect us from the sun collapsed into a black hole consequences of the  most frightening solar storms?  Or should we consider other,  more reliable ways to defend ourselves? Tell  us in the comments.

sun collapse What If the Sun Swallowed Earth?

The Sun’s core is shrinking. Every one billion years, the Sun becomes 10% hotter. Instead of one billion years, it would only take four days for the Sun to sun collapsed into a black hole become 10% hotter. sun collapse gravity On day one,you’d be bliss fully un aware of the climate change tragedy about to be fall Earth. It happens.

By this time, the Sun would be about 10% brighter and hotter. sun collapse gravity And while 10% doesn’t sound like a lot, it will be the beginning of the end for us. sun collapsed into a black hole As the Sun heat up, more and more water from Earth’s surface will evaporate into the atmosphere.

Earth will begin to lose its water. But not far enough.

Smith, the Earth would only have moved about 0.0002 climate change astronomical units. It would swallow the planet whole. Mercury and Venus would be vaporized. The rings of Saturn would melt. Pluto would become much warmer. But if we had more time, like billions of year’s worth, we could come up with an evacuation plan.

Gold miners in the Rocky Mountains woke up  at 1am thinking the sun had risen because the Aurora was so bright. Telegraph systems across the world were working without being sun collapse gravity connected to the power at all, they were  just running off the insane amount of current  caused by the event. Messages from New York to  Pittsburgh were sent without any electricity.  

The terrifying thing is these events are not rare and I mean seriously not rare. Aurora was seen all around the world and even though you might typically expect to climate change only see Aurora in places like Iceland or Finland the event was so extreme that Aurora could be seen even here in Australia. The local news paper from  this region on September 7th, 1859 even wrote: 

These events emit an unfathomable  amount of energy. The Carrington flare carried 4  by 10 to the power of 32 ergs of energy. This is  roughly equivalent to 700 billion sun collapse gravity nuclear bombs  the size of little boy, The Hiroshima bomb. A  2013 study estimated climate change that the electrical out ages  caused by a Carrington level event would cost 2.6  trillion dollars for the North American power industry alone.

There would be Global black outs  lasting years, no lights anywhere in the world  for the first time in centuries. I mean call me selfish but can you imagine the view everyone would have of the stars at night? This black out would happen because the event climate change would damage these extremely high voltage Transformers that are  insanely difficult to replace.

But what about our activities in space? What would something like this do to Satellites, Rockets, Telescopes?  If it did occur while people were working climate change on the moon base as planned by NASA it would cause huge problems for them because this kind of radiation is not kind to sun collapse gravity the human body. Satellites  that orbit really high above the Earth are in big danger too.

These satellites are smashed  with high energy particles leaving them damaged and the scary thing is most of these high orbit satellites control our sun collapse climate change gravity Communications and GPS. I mean Star link has already lost 50 million  dollars worth of satellites to geomagnetic storms. What scares me even more is the  Carrington event, which is the biggest  solar storm in recorded history, is actually relatively small compared to older events. 

Scientists were able to look at the tree rings in ancient forests like this one and measure carbon 14 atoms in each ring spikes in the carbon 14 atoms suggest a super flare climate change occurred in that year and they found huge spikes in the Years 774 and 994. And for these events to be found in sun collapse gravity the tree rings, they would have  had to have been massive. Maybe 10 times or even 100 times bigger than the Carrington event. 

So why do these crazy events keep happening and  why do I think we’re entering the most dangerous  period for solar activity of the entire decade?  Well just like the sun collapse gravity seasons the sun actually has  Cycles. Every 11 years climate change the sun’s magnetic field  flips causing an increase in solar activity.

Our current  cycle started back in 2019 and it will reach  its maximum in the year 2025. We we still don’t  fully understand these cycles and we are sun collapse gravity always  learning more but there is one thing that is  for certain… We need to be prepared for 2025. Well I guess the ultimate question is what can  we actually do to protect ourselves and it all  starts with detecting it to give everyone as much  warning as possible.

Using the Soho spacecraft we are constantly looking for these ejections of  Mass to see if they are aimed at us and when we do see one heading for us we can calculate climate change when it will sun collapse gravityarrive and based on the speed this normally gives us around 12 to 48 hours worth  of warning. This time is precious so everyone  will need to act quickly.

Governments need to sound alarms and order all energy grids to be shut down and disconnected. Everyone will need to  disconnect their electronics and wrap their phones and other small electronics in tin foil to prevent  them from being fried. Satellites will be put into sun collapse gravity safety mode to protect them from being damaged. If everything is done quickly we will be able to reconnect the grid and start everything back up. 

Hospitals and other Emergency Services require electricity and under these conditions they simply  can’t have access to the power that they need  so people would likely climate change die as a result of it. Your car would probably be okay but many of the electronic components would be sun collapse gravity completely fried.  The screens, the charging ports and the reversing  cameras would all probably be destroyed.

The odds  aren’t insanely high but the danger is definitely  real. Some scientists believe that there is a 12%  we will be hit by a Carrington level event in the  next 10 years and we’re about to enter the most  dangerous period, The Solar Maximum.

If there  was an asteroid heading for the Earth everyone  climate change sun collapse gravity would be going crazy but these things are quiet.

sun collapse gravity sun collapse if all earth water pour on sun

out the universe is a Place full of mysteries since ancient times been arguing about how space works but none of us has ever doubted the existence of one thing the Sun ah the center of our solar system.

it’s big bright and Immortal nah not really actually the sun is just climate change an ordinarystar it consists of 75 hydrogen a little helium and a pinch of other heavy elements gravity holds it all together but in around 5 billion years the life cycle of the sun will come to an end the sun collapse gravity hydrogen inside it will run out our star will begin to grow gradually.

and you can’t even imagine just how big it will become and then it will start eating all the nearby planets that’s when we’ll regret being so close to it after eating us all climate change the star will remain a red giant for another billion years or so and then sooner or later it will begin to sun collapse gravity shrink and fade turning into a white dwarf in the end nothing will remain of it.

But a bright and colorful planetary nebula but don’t get scared right now the sunis in the middle of its life cycle it was born about 4.5 billion years ago and about the same amount of time remains fortunately we were born during the star’s best and most stable period in other words there’s no reason to worry so let’s find one.

how about speeding up the sun’s life cycle with the help of water we’ll try to collect all the water on Earth and pour it onto the sun first we’ll need a bucket no not this climate change one we’ll need a really really big bucket the one that can contain around 326 million cubic miles of water.

It will be equal in size to the distance from Washington to Chicago or if we can only find ordinary buckets there should be around 70 quintillion of them this is a number with 18 zero so kay imagine that we magically got that many buckets it’s time to put out the sun we splash the star climate change with all this water and nothing seriously oh just look at.

This the sun has probably felt sorry for us and produced one little solar flare it turns out that all water on Earth is actually just a pathetic drop for the sun people often underestimate how much bigger the Sun really is than our planetin reality it can fit more than one million three thousand Earths so yes the sun won’t go out or even get colder.

It won’t even notice that we’ve done something but let’s not give up climate change we really want the sun to go out for some reason what happens if we pour just enough water on it and how much is this enough remember our quintillions of buckets well we actually need about 370 octillions of them this number has 27zeros it’s hard to even imagine so let’s just say that it’s a lot of water now.

Let’s Splash it all over the sun again wow just look at the steam but the sun hasn’t gone out again on the contrary it said Thank you and suddenly became much bigger and brighter what’s happening you see the sun isn’t actually acamp fire inside bon fire’s candle Flames there’s a chemical combustion when wepour water on the fire the water absorbs.

The heat of the flame and cools it to such an extent that it can no longer maintain the burning reaction it also blocks the fire’s access to oxygen water basically stops the chemical process but the burning of the sun isn’t the same reaction even though we say it burns it’s not entirely true what happens there is called nuclear fusion.

it’s one of the most violent and craziest reactions in the universe there are many layers of hydrogen going deep into the sun if you take four hydrogen atoms and RAM them together climate change you’re left with an atom of helium when we talk about the Sun the process is a little more complicated when the star tries to carry out that Fusion positive protons repel each other.

It takes a lot of force and energy to some how squeeze them together fortunately there’s a magical force inspace it’s gravity the sun takes up 99.8 percent of all the mass of the solar system pretty heavy right and all this mass is what holds the sun together with the help of an incredible gravitational forceso gravity takes quadrillions of these little hydrogen atoms and pushes them together every second of every day and when.

They Collide they release some energy so unlike fire the sun doesn’t need oxygen to live it needs hydrogen and we all know that water is H2O it consists of hydrogen and oxygen so this is literally fuel for the Sun it’s like trying to put out a fire with gasoline more importantly the extra mass added by water will make the sun heavier now gravity says thank you for your help and then it starts to collide protons with each other even faster and thanks to this the synthesis speeds upgreat.

climate change

We’ve made the sun incredibly strong and now it has eaten us along with other nearby planets and if we keep adding water the sun will sooner or later collapse in on itself it will blow off its outer layers and become a black hole awesome now it will pull inside absolutely climate change everything around good job guys let’s press rewind because clearly our water experiment was a mistake one small solar flare sounds much better alright we’re back to our usual calm Sun.

But it seems like there’s something that we’ve forgotten well apparently water was critically important for life on Earth who would have thought now there’s a huge amount of un moving fish and other Marine creatures lying around where the oceans used to be poor things as for deep sea creatures they simply didn’t withst and such a sharp change in pressure algae and corals have also dried up wait a minute weren’t.

They responsible for producing 50 to 80 percent of the world’s oxygen oops it’s time to put on some oxygen masks and how are things on dry land I mean now everything is just land but you get the point wow this whole place is lit and I mean it literally if there are no oceans then there are no clouds or rain now there are forest fires every where poor animals have to escape and leave.

Their homes oh my and it’s not like they’ll be able to find a new home because all plants of course will dry up quickly there will be literally no place for living left on the planet so no wearth looks like a giant desert great but people have been living in deserts for thousands of years right may be they’ll know what to do they won’t after all people in the desert also need to drink so now there’s total chaos every where and survivors fight for the last drops of water.

If there are any survivors at all in fact no matter how much they fight for resources their fate is sealed the ocean absorbs a huge amount of CO2 and the heat coming from the Sun they also distribute this heat throughout the planet making it Pleasant to live on but once they’re gone the temperatures will quickly jump to 250 degrees Fahrenheit and above but even if we forget about the high temperatures.

Now we have no clouds and they helped us too by not letting through solar radiation so we’re also under the direct impact of the sun’s race Our Last Hope is ice bergs now that everything is terribly hot they’ve melted and maybe they’ll be the Last Hope For Humanity but that cool solar flare was definitely worth it silly humansthat’s it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity.
