corvid symptoms 2023 Covid-19 sub-variant” A World Health Organization most Tran s miscible covid-19 subvariant xbb1.5 has been detected in South Africa the variant was discovered in genes sequencing carried out by researchers at Steller bosch University from December 27th sample head of the gene sequencing Institute of the university.

To Leo de Oliveira shared the news on social media the Department of Health says it has been alerted about the variant it is currently in discussion with Scientists to gather more information including astrans missibility and severity let’s get more on this Dr kosi litler a doctor a pleasure to see you in the new year a very good afternoon to you and thanks for givingus your time.

A good afternoon to you good afternoon to the viewers and a happy New Year oh yeah doctor let’s talk about this uh you know we’re hearing that the departmenth as now been um alerted about this variant and of course is now in discussion and discussions with Scientists about the severity um of this particular variant what is your reaction to to the news.

Then my reaction is hopefully they will come forward with the information of who was the patient where was it found where did the patient come from did the patient travel and the precautionary measures of isolation and are letting tracing of contracts will begin what we do not want is to begin when the virus has spread yeah beyond.

What is reasonable so hopefully the basic measures will betaken to ensure that we can keep the spread of this can’t be more transmissible variant Imean through out Dr Chapel we’ve alwayshad conversations with you regarding covid-19 and one thing you’ve always cautioned against is the issue of panic but it’s difficult not to panic and for the public not to panic.

covid symptoms 2023 Covid-19 sub-variant

When we’re hearing uh you know that uh you know what we’re reading especially on social media that you know South Africa has found uh uh the first covid symptoms 2023 case of its most transmissible uh covert variant uh how much should we as a public react uh to this.

Covid-19 sub-variant” We should be encouraged by the fact that the authorities are still doing testing and geno typing and looking for sub-variants and once you covid symptoms 2023 have the information then you can do something about it but equally important would be the fact that the nicb and other authorities need to make sure that they can trace and isolate.

Where that virus has come up from so that we use the basic methods of ensuring that we do not spread the infection yeah but also the basics Community if any of us covid symptoms 2023 has aflu-like illness isolate yourself don’t go to work don’t spread it to others and we continue with the good habits of cough etiquette hand washing and using a mask.

If you’re in com promising situations yeah Dr you’ve said that it’s a great thing any body that’s going to beflying yeah use a mask when you’re in ain a confined space covid symptoms 2023 doctor you’ve said that you know it’s a great thing that you know this has been detected and that authorities are indeed looking into it what should our health department at this point.

While considering uh what’s happening um do in in order to swiftly uh sort of deal with this uh a particular variant what what are the to-do’s at this pointand certainly what have the lessons that we’ve learned having been in this pandemic for what seems to be such along time fairly simple clear transparent communication about.

The source whether there is a history of trouble from that person so that we cantrace what the source was whether the person has brought it from outside and if so has it been contained any of the contacts that were with that person should also be contacted for testing and follow-up yeah so we must just continue doing.

Covid-19 sub-variant” The basics but I think the key issue is we’ve been given the fullin formation about where it was threat from where that person was traveling from so covid symptoms 2023 that we could have the full confidence so that all information is being made available I mean if you know that you’re on a certain flight with a person and you were on that same flight you then also be cautious in terms of you know isolating yourself from your family members making sure.

That if you have symptoms you get tested or you get tested any way if you’re on the same flight for example if this is traced to a person or that has a history of recent flight yeah we heard from The Who that you know they are planning um on an updated assessment on thevariance risks in the coming days what would those process sort of entail and what information.

Do you believe would be receiving from the World Health Organization on the back of that permission that would be receiving is in on the full Gene sequencing of the sub divariant on the characteristics of the sub-variant is it causing severe disease or is it just merely more transmissible than previous variants without causing severe.

Disease so all those factors would have to be that information needs to be given based on the epidemiology of the sub-variant that has now been detected covid symptoms 2023 yeah doctor it’s you know it’s very interesting to note that you know there’s a lot of criticism towards China as to how they’ve been dealing with covet and we hear that they’re dealing with another extreme way that at this time of uh covid-19 is isit is it is it is it fair um all these criticisms that are directed towards.

Covid-19 sub-variant” The China I mean bearing in mind that they’ve had you know the hardest lock downs the most stringent measures in in place um in in the past is it fair still to to point that finger um at in the direction of of China as I see is is being done at this time we’ve covid-19 decisively we must deal with it as a global Community there should be no figure pointing so that when people have cases they areen couraged and free to share that information.

This Blame Game and criticizing each other it’s not helpfulI mean not so long ago China was criticized for a hard lock down now it is being criticized for opening up so what is it that they are supposed to do what is the prescription to deal with covet as long as the transparency openness and sharing of all of us will be safe as long as any country will always disclose.

What it has detected it does test to see whether there are new variants that are coming up is truthful about the number of cases the spread of the disease the number off atalities and how the health system is dealing with it so that you can then ensure that when people travel from covid symptoms 2023 an area that has been had hit by covet receiving countries can take precautions.

Yeah and dogs are having the issue of new variant sum is this you know the the new it’s normal for all of us is this a reality uh that we have to face that this is what things will be like you know for the fore see able future that every now and then we’ll hear of a new uh variant or an even harsher uh environment avariant or more transmissible variant.

Must we make peace with the fact that this is you know our reality we all need to understand that viruses survive through the variations that’s how they protect themselves against the environment that’s how they survive into the future so the variations will always come.

Covid-19 sub-variant” What is criticalis to ensure that we keep testing forthe variants we keep ensuring that we know what the variants are we test we know what the transmissibility is and where possible we create the vaccines that are specific to those variants and the successful covid symptoms 2023 populations would then be vaccinated against.

The current variant that is spreading yeah that is key information if we do not test we will then be using vaccines that are old that will not protect against new variants what is also important from the scientist perspective is for them to test us together with this new variant the current vaccines that we use do they offer effective protection against.

Infection with a new variant do they mediate where even if you get infectedyou will not get severe disease and they reduce the chances of dying from that area those are the critical tests that the scientist needs to do and need to inform the public about the out comes of those tests all right a great pleasure to have you uh back herein the new year thank you very much as always for giving us your time um and your thoughts that is Dr Jose Leclappede who is a doctor and a health activist.


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