The best way to impress a crowd of new friends or break an awkward silence among co-workers? Mentioning an interesting fact you just learned the other day.

The best way to impress a crowd of new friends or break an awkward silence among co-workers? Mentioning an interesting fact you just learned the other day.

While this may seem like an old-fashioned way to shift the conversation and make a few people laugh, random facts can put a smile on someone's face and lead to a more memorable connection

Though less common than earthquakes, the moon actually has moonquakes, too. That's right. Moonquakes.

Pretty much everyone is interested in space, so this is always a good fact to pull outWhether you've seen a tiger in real life or in a photo, you know that they have striped fur.

You actually lose a large percentage of your taste buds while on an airplane.But they actually have striped skin, as well.

This might explain a lot about those less-than-stellar in-flight meals, or why you find yourself craving the saltiest foods while in the sky.

 Although it may sound counterintuitive, your small intestine is actually the largest (internal) organ in your body.

You probably know that snails are petty slow creatures, but did you know that they also take the longest naps? One nap can last up to three years!

You may be jealous of a bird's ability to fly, but it may soothe your envy to learn they can't live in space because they need gravity to swallow.

Bees can sting other bees — usually if they feel threatened or are protecting their territoryIn other words, you're not the only one who's scared of getting stung.